Our Company
The MYTRIPS offers accommodations and experiences reservations. Everyday works to be present on our website the best offers for accommodation and experiences, in each location at the best price guaranteed. The website and applications MyTrips attract visitors from both domestic market and international market, where it is mandatory to be present.
Our Mission
Help travellers plan and book there stay, allowing them to choose the best Accommodation and Experience that there budget can pay, include reserving and paying the most easy way, comfortable and safe, being present where there is the need to travel and the ability to provide Accommodation and Experiences.
Our Vision
The MyTrips offers an informative website, easy to use and with the best rates guaranteed. Our goal is to give travellers the most efficient and economical way to discover and book their destination, from a wide selection of Accommodation options and Experiences. Our team of employees and partners work every day so they are available for booking, Accommodation and Experiences, providing the best prices and availability of transparent and secure manner, striving to ensure that our guests stays match or exceed their expectations.
Benefit to our CustomersLowest Prices Guaranteed
No booking fees
Secure booking
Benefit for the Owners
For more information and to register your property in MyTrips, please also see our page Become a Host.